Famous Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone has revealed that Salman Khan was the first person from the Bollywood industry who offered her to work in a film. During a recent interview, Deepika Padukone was asked by a fan that Why hasn't he worked with Salman Khan yet? The actress answered the fan's question and said, 'We have always had a beautiful relationship and she will always be grateful to Salman Khan because Salman Khan is the person who first offered her to work in the film. Deepika did not reveal the name of the film in which Salman Khan offered her to act.She said that at that time I had started modeling and she had no intention of becoming an actress but then two years later she made her Bollywood debut with the film (Om Shanti Om). Salman Khan gave her the opportunity. For this, she thanked Salman and said that Salman saw the acting potential in her when she herself did not know that she had this potential. It should be noted that Salman Khan will be seen in his next film 'Tiger 3' with actress Katrina Kaif, while actress Deepika Padukone's film 'Gahraiyan' was released on February 11 on Amazon Prime and many of her films are still in the works.
Showing posts with label "Salman Khan was the first person in the industry who." Deepika Padukone made a big revelation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label "Salman Khan was the first person in the industry who." Deepika Padukone made a big revelation. Show all posts
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
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